Sampson The Great!

Lost for words (almost). I have dealt with John for a number of years now – he has proved himself not only a reliable guide through the hi-fi thicket but generous spirited, utterly professional and a consummate craftsman. I have had amplifiers upgraded by him and now purchased wonderfully restored Musical Fidelity MA50 monoblocks and […]


I decided to upgrade my AMS35i at the same time as fixing the volume control issue. I wasn’t particularly expecting much as i was already pleased with its sound but John was confident enough he could improve it that i decided to put my trust in him. 3 weeks later I am still just blown […]


It’s a tall order properly driving stonking great come-and-have-a-go if you think your hard-enough type speakers (B&W 801D). However, the supreme A370 on bass duties (John even biasing sonic delivery to favour lower registers) now weighs a gazillion tonnes and gives truly heroic performance (and I’d imagine is edging into crazy SA470 territory). I dread […]

Better than new

After 15 years in storage and not working JS repaired and renewed my lovely MF tube CD player, complete with super Russian valves. After such a transformation I had to get the equally old Cyrus 2 and PSX upgraded. The combined effect is astonishing. Great advice, follow up calls, very efficient. Highly recommend!

Awesome transformation KW-550

After years of not being content with my system I let John do the full upgrade of my KW550. Being curious after John I picked it up when it was ready, which was quite a trip living near Amsterdam. But meeting John made it all worth wile. What a nice and knowledgeable guy he is! […]

My X-A100R

What a contrast… I had John upgrade X-A100R amp which has been part of life since 1999… I decided that vintage is the way forward and luckily enough Ebay seller Clifton from Eastcote had a set of near perfect MC-5 speakers up for sale… The upgraded X-A100R and these MC-5 speakers are unreal… Task… How […]

A3 CD awesome upgrade

Some time ago John upgraded my Musical Fidelity XP100 pramp to great affect, this has a great phono stage which is why I have kept it all these years, I told John that the sound through my record deck was better than the sound I get out of my Musical Fidelity A3 CD player, he […]

KW500 transformed

I was hearing eggs frying on one channel of my KW500, so it needed fixing. With so many positive reviews, I opted to go for the full Monty upgrade. That was one year ago, and it just seems to go on getting better and better. I mainly listen to classical music, and my Hi-Fi holy […]

Nu Vista Nirvanna

Nu Vista M3 Intergrated WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I paid MF for an upgrade over 10 years ago; I’m sure I didn’t get my own amp back, and the amp I got back didn’t sound any different. The amp recently had a fault dropping the right channel intermittently. I called John who immediately stated the selector […]

Simply in one word – ‘superlative’…

I have intentionally left leaving a review for a number of months so that I can give an ‘as is/accurate’ type of review; I should add because of my scenario (SCI) that I listen to my music way more than the average listener (sometimes up to 8 hours a day). As the review title says, […]