Sound sense!

After 16 years of trouble-free, sonic satisfaction, during which time it was mostly left switched ‘on’, I decided that I ought to consider replacing my MF A1001, Super Integrated Amplifier. It didn’t take long for me to realise that obtaining a suitable replacement would require a substantial, four-figure outlay. Fortunately, good sense prevailed and before […]

Added sparkle

Asked John to give it check-over and upgrade and am very happy with the results – appears more neutral and offers greater detail. Well worth the investment and will happily live with this amp for many more years. Thank you John


Let me start at the beginning, Xray CD player is over 10 years old and skipping ‚Äì what do I do? Should I replace the laser, upgrade the player or buy something else? I sent off my Equote enquiry to see what JS Audio might charge. Received a telephone call from John Sampson to ask […]

Feb 2015 John Morris

Many thanks John for the upgrades to my music fidelity kw 550 and kw dac. The system sounds amazing and thanks for all the advice on leads and speaker. I would totally recommend johns work and knowledge. thanks again


Many thanks, John. I was shocked initially by the difference in performance before and after. So much so, I decided to take some time to evaluate the upgrade fully. I remain stunned. My hifi has always meant a lot to me. Now it means much more. I heartily recommend these upgrades. Bass is easily extended […]

NAD319 refurbished and upgraded

I bought the NAD319 used few years ago. A great amp in my opinion from the ’99, which I use only as a power amp bypassing the pre-amp side. Being 16 years old, I thought it was a good idea to get it refurbished: capacitors were running out of steam, the relays were creating some […]


I contacted John to repair a couple of Audiolab power amps that had failed after 18 years heavy use. It was clear from speaking on the phone that John knows what he is doing and really cares about doing it right. He agreed to fix the faulty components but pointed out that everything else inside […]

Altos Repair

After suffering outage due to an accidental liquid spillage, I contacted John on the basis his testimonials, having had previous disastrous results from self proclaimed experts. When I visited him with my kit, it was immediately clear that he is knowledgable and takes great pride in his work. After advising me that my Altos would […]

CD Repair

After nearly 15 years of regular use, my Musical Fidelity Nuvista 3D CD player finally gave up the ghost. After a long and interesting chat with John, who diagnosed the problem immediately ,I decided to have it repaired and upgraded. What a revelation! I can only say that the CD player never sounded so good […]

Musical Fidelity

After having my cd player repaired and upgraded, and being so very impressed, I decided to ask John to get to work on my amplifiers as well. I continue to be impressed and my hi-fi improves every single week (I’ve had it for 3 months now) and I’m really looking forward to seeing where it […]