In-short I am very impressed and completely satisfied with the difference the upgrade has made. John has simply worked wonders. The depth, detail and base especially, have improved significantly, to the point that familiar tracks physically made me glow and smile

Musical Fidelity A5 Amp. A5 cd player

I upgraded my Musical Fidelity A5 integrated and A5 cd player! First and foremost, to say that John is a genius is an understatement. He knows what he does and is an expert at it. I have been an audiophile for 36 odd years. During this period, I have had loads of gear as it […]

Mightily Impressive

I’ve now had my Musical Fidelity M6 PRE amplifier for a week after a stage 2 upgrade carried out by Mr John Sampson. And I’m mightily impressed with the results. The sonic presentation is more cohesive ‚Äì and better integrated ‚Äì like a jigsaw with all the pieces in their rightful place. In terms of […]

M3 Nu Vista Amp

Thanks John. The amp sounds so much better now. And I appreciate too your recommendation for the turntable and for upgrading the phono stage in preparation. Now enjoying all my old vinyl – puts CDs to shame.

Power Amplifier upgrade

5 years ago John upgraded the capacitors in my amps to help them drive my Thiel 2.4 speakers, the improvement was amazing. John has recently completed the final stage upgrade by replacing the transformers and adding even more capacitors. The impact has been transformational. They sound so much more powerful, I have depths of bass […]

Musical Fidelity

Yet another purchase off Ebay, with a noisy volume, not just noisy when the volume was touched, but extremely LOUD cracks through the speakers. Spoke with John about a repair initially and dropped the amp into his workshop, socially distanced and masked of course. Spoke again with John as to the problem and was given […]

Power amp rebuild

A bit late with this review. A couple of years back I purchased a Meridian 557on Ebay for a reasonable price as there was an intermittent fault on one channel. When I ran the amp there was a variation between channels and so I searched for a specialist to repair the amp. Meridian did not […]

Delighted with the difference A308

I have been a audio enthusiast for about 10 years, as perhaps most chasing a sound that I am happy with. Plenty of speaker amplifier combinations have come and gone. My musical fidelity A308 Integrated came the closest but after John working his magic on my amplifier with his upgrade service the difference it has […]

Poenix rise from some ashes

My 20 year old Elektra e100 was half dead with one channel completely gone and horrible static buildups and spiking threatening speaker safety, the amp was in desperate need of saving. My local MF repair company (local being within 50 miles) held on to it for over a year and was not able to fix […]