Studio T

My 30 year old Studio T power amplifier developed an intermittent fault which proved difficult to nail down. Although the amp played well most of the time, John identified some instability and recommended a partial rebuild, at a very reasonable price. That work has now been done and has cured the fault while also improving […]

A308 amplifier

If you care to read any of the glowing testamonials please note these people are not exaggerating. I had my A308 amp upgraded in February and the results are spectacular, I’m not going to go into any detail, other testimonials will explain improvements more eloquently than I. I plan to have my A308 CD player […]

Meridian 557

Bought a Meridian 557 mono on ebay, with a known fault was directed to contact John regarding a fix, having discussed the problem with John he advised a complete rebuild of the power amp due to both its age and the way the amps were built (to price, not longevity). When completed powered up and […]

kW550 Upgrade

I originally contacted John to repair the broken LEDs on the feet of my kW550 Amp, however he also sent me a comprehensive reply regarding the upgrade options. After reading the various testimonials I decided some 6 months later to take the plunge and go for the full upgrade. I have to admit it felt […]


Buying our Roetl Rx 1603 was such a great pleasure in the first stage of our journey wanting a vintage piece to satisfy our listening to music…..we wanted to bring this unique piece of equipment back to life. After much research we decided Mr John Sampson was the man to use his expertise on such […]

Repair and Upgrade

Excellent service and good communication. Meridian have declared this product obsolete so no longer support it. I cannot recommend JS Audio Repairs enough. Thank you.

The best value in HiFi today.

What do you do if you own a fantastic 1998 Stereophile Class A CD Player that won’t play discs anymore? You take it to John Sampson. Straight away, John knew the entire laser mechanism needed to be replaced. He also suggested upgrading the Meridian as he could wring out even better performance with “more of […]


In July 2017 my pre amp had failed after many years of faithful service. Only problem it is in Barbados. Anyway I travelled and brought it with me. I met with JS and agreed have to the upgrade that he recommended. Its now February and a few months of running in, I truly say the […]

Great service again

I’ve used John before, some five years ago, when I wasn’t entirely satisfied with the performance of my amplifier. He both repaired and upgraded it and the improvement was dramatic. Cut to just December just gone. Following redecorating I foolishly left a set of speaker leads in a short circuit position, so that when I […]

Night and day difference

A few months after purchasing a secondhand Musical Fidelity A3.5 CD player I decided it sounded a bit flat so decided to get John to upgrade it. Wow, what a difference it has made. I don’t know all the hifi jargon but I do know it has better bass, better seperation of instruments and it […]