Another exceptional upgrade

John promised revelatory improvements after the service and component upgrade to my Musical Fidelity A3 dual mono amplifier and this has proven to be the case; the sound significantly more ‘open’, detailed and involving and I am now happy to consider this amplifier the one to see me through my earthly existence. Bravo John…good to […]


Thank you John ever so much for your brilliant repair & upgrade to my E10!! The sound has gone through many changes sins it arrived back. But the first thing I noticed was the bass dropping “through the floor”! The treble has now returned to a more satisfying level, and in all my cd collection […]

the man is a marvel

Well what can I say been a audiophile for a long time sent my pre amp to John for a repair and upgrade , well received my amp back , it is so lovely to rediscover my music all over again Well i thought I heard it all , so far from the truth , […]

Just awesome

Hiya John, just wanted to say thanks very much for upgrading and updating my gear, have done just as you advised left them both powered up and have to say they are singing just lovely. Changed the mc eroica and what a difference. My other half is so impressed with her cd collection saying she’s […]

Excellent Sound quality.

I use these power amplifiers and integrated amplifier as part of my Hi-Fi / home cinema system and all I can say is they sound fantastic now. The 3 A3 CR power amplifiers and A3 Integrated amplifier are just so much more clear and detailed from the bass to the mid range / high frequencies. […]


Many thanks John indeed for upgrading my Musical Fidelity A5 CD player and integrated amp, it’s a true delight. As I said when you rang me to check that I’d received everything and after my initial impressions. There aren’t enough superlatives in the Oxford Unabridged Dictionary, to describe the improvement in sound I heard immediately. […]

Unbelievable improvement!

Having decided to give myself a birthday treat, I set about auditioning CD players loaned by a local hi-fi shop, only to find that three highly regarded £2k models failed to significantly improve the sound of my system. My M3 had a niggle- one channel would cut out, remedied by a sharp rap on the […]

An Ear Opener

This late nineties pairing always had immense authority and rich sweet tones. What it lacked by the highest standards (in my view) were sufficient openness, transparency and clarity. I needed new main capacitors in the power amp due to a fault, and thought while I was at it, I’d ask John to replace the rather […]


An old and dying but much loved amp brought back to life and much more with not just a repair but an upgrade – it sounds better than I ever remember and so glad I had it done. Thanks John.

Wow! That’s what I call music….

In short: q) is it worth the money? a)yes, absolutely. A while back John repaired the Trivista DAC, and since then I’d lurked here, reading upgrade reviews, wondering if there was something in it…. A series of unfortunate events led to the heart of my system (inc the DAC again) going to John for repair […]