Musical Fidelity B1 lives on

I was faced with the propect of trying to match the quality of my old amp the musical fidelity B1 on a budget. With the repair and upgrade the amp is better than ever. The Bass output and the detailing has been improved john Sampson has definitley improved the sound quality of the B1 amp

Great Upgrade

I had my Elektra amp upgraded by John a couple of weeks ago now and it sounds like a completely different amp. Phono stage is so controlled and I’ve heard sounds on records I haven’t heard before. The CD player sounds good as well. Thanks for the great upgrade on my amp, money well spent […]

Musical Fidelity A3

I bought a second hand A3 player about 9 years old and in first class condition for £350, then had John’s £600 upgrade. It was 3 or 4 months of normal use before the sound stopped changing. And it was certainly worth waiting for. The player does everything I wanted, playing classical, rock, easy listening […]

Musical Fidelity A300cr Power ampllifier

It’s been some weeks since John performed the repair and upgrades to my Musical Fidelity A300cr Power Amplifier. Upgrading the power transformers has given the amplifier much more control and muscular grip over the music. One thing I noted in particular was the extra bass extension which is apparent. The sound stage has opened up […]

Musical Fidelity A1008 Integrated amp and power supply

Hi John, Just a few words to say many, many thanks for the upgrade work you completed on my amp, power supply & internal DAC. In the world of HiFi and diminishing returns for large outlays of money you have just ‘fast tracked’ me to ‘life in the big league’ without the inherent cost. My […]


A number of months have now passed since John repaired and upgraded my MF Tri Vista amp and A1008 CD. As far as the amp is concerned John returned it in showroom condition and as John advised performance improved and went on improving as time went by. It now drives and controls the speakers in […]

The man with the Midas Touch

Being undecided as to whether to purchase Audio Research Reference Pre and power or Devialet integrated, I decided to get in touch with John Sampson (JS Audio) whom I last spoke to in 1996 / 97 when he was the technical manager at Musical Fidelity and he reassured me in his friendly and confident manner […]


Having had an X-A50 Bi Wired with a pair of X-A50’s for many years I had considered an upgrade. Spoke with John and liked his upgrade recommendations. Was a little nervous sending off my precious kit but within a few weeks it was returned. If the increase in weight was a measure of quality I […]

NU-Visa M3+PSU

Just a few words to say how pleased I am with johns service on upgrading a faulty M3 amplifier. Sounding more musical and refined, would definitely recommend his service and upgrade.

MF A308 Int Amp and A308 cr

It’s been a month or so since picking up my upgraded A308 amp and cd from John. Having given them a bit of time to settle in I thought I was time to make my review. What can i say but ‘just wonderfull’, the music is now clean and clear, soundstage is massive, bass is […]